Program Restrictions- SEVR Broadheads does not allow the following to be used with regards to the SEVR Broadheads affiliate program: paid search (PPC), or popup ads.
Utilize SEO friendly keywords in content to optimize your post relevancy.
Use all available outlets to promote the product to your followers including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Promote the upcoming hunting season by state or region to drive sales.
Share social content from the brand to your followers.
Use SEVR trademarks or intellectual property, other than what is provided and approved by SEVR.
Engage in practices that go against our Terms and Conditions, engaging in illegal practices of any kind, or links designed to mislead the consumer.
Send unsolicited email or other messaging that could be constituted as spam.
Purchase a domain name, search engine keyword or pay-per-click advertisement that uses SEVR trademarks, variations or misspellings.
SEVR will not send out a payment unless the minimum payout has reached $100.00